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Happy Girl

IV fluid selections

Here is where you will select your IV fluid of choice.

All IV visits will include the bag selected, insertion, monitoring by a RN and a pre-visit telemedicine consult with an NP.

There are add-ons available for additional prices.

Women Practicing Yoga Outdoor
Fountain of Youth

Activate Hair, Skin and Nails

This formula detoxifies the body and promotes noticeably healthier skin, hair and nails because it contains glutathione, B vitamins, and vitamin C.

  • Overall Health and Wellness- Decrease your blood pressure, control your lipids as well as thyroid levels. 

  • Beauty, Age Management and Skin Brightening- We provide you with the most powerful antioxidant with anti aging properties. We prevent damage to your skin and cells, directly impacting the way you look and feel.

  • Immune Boost- Boost your immune system and fight allergies, cold and flu like symptoms. We keep your cells healthy even during bacterial infections, speeding up the healing process.

  • Headaches/ Migraines- Provides necessary relief from a headache that you cannot get rid of and decreases the frequency of headaches.

  • GI health- Keep gut flora healthy by protecting good bacteria

  • Recovery & Fatigue- Improve energy, and shorten muscle recovery. 

Professional Female
The Executive

Feel Sharp and Mentally Alert

Fight stress caused by heavy workloads and long business days. This drip also helps you recover from jet lag, while giving you a sense of sharper memory and focus, so you're alert and in the present.

Young Man Cooking
Natural Defense

Attack Sickness Head-on, Naturally

If you're feeling under the weather or are already sick with the common cold or flu, this higher dose of vitamin C and other nutrients will boost the immune system, so you can bounce back quickly and live life to the fullest.


Get the Maximum Impact

This is your one-stop-shop for all of your nutrient needs. It has the greatest impact on mood, and rehydrates the brain and other important organs instantly. Many people use this drip as a long-term strategy to stay healthy all year round.

Happy Woman
Breakfast in Bed
Rise & shine

Exhausted from Little to No Sleep?

If you've had a long night out, this mix of essential vitamins and minerals replenishes electrolytes, rehvdrates the body and boosts your energy levels in just a few minutes.

Perfect for dehydration and hangover's- Resolve your headache, fatigue and nausea.

Fight that drag of insomnia- Improve your sleeping, and sharpen your mental focus throughout the day

Portrait of a Smiling Woman with Curly Hair

Activate Hair, Skin and Nails

Encourage cell revitalization and regeneration, while you detoxify the liver and drastically improve how your skin looks and feels. Achieve a brighter skin complexion and a youthful appearance after a series of treatments.

Biker Going Uphill

Achieve More, Recharge to 100%

Perfect for anyone who wants to train hard, we recommend this drip before or after intense physical activity. You don't have to be an athlete, either. If you simply want to improve workouts, this drip will give you stamina and quick muscle recovery, so you can achieve your fitness goals.

With this bag, you will have a bit more ability to custimize to your needs. This bag is subject to additional fees and approval of a clinician. 

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